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on empathy

‍The word "user" has always annoyed me. When I think of the people who use the products I design, I think of them as friends and family. When I do audience research, create a persona, or test a digital product, I think of each individual as someone in my community. So this "emphasis on empathy" is natural; it's not a buzzword, it's simply the reality of inclusive and sincere experience design.

My Approach

1. Identify the problem: Start by identifying the problem you want to solve through the UX project. Conduct user research and gather insights from users and stakeholders to understand their needs, pain points, and goals.


2.Define the scope: Based on the research, define the scope of the project and determine the key features and functionalities that need to be included in the product.


3.Develop user personas: Create user personas based on the research to help design for the target audience. User personas can help identify user needs, goals, and behaviors.


4.Create a user journey map: Develop a user journey map to visualize the user's interactions with the product and identify areas for improvement.


5.Develop wireframes and prototypes: Create wireframes and prototypes to test and refine the product design. Iteratively test the prototypes with users to validate the design and gather feedback.


6.Design the interface: Based on the wireframes and prototypes, design the interface and user interface (UI) elements. Ensure that the interface is user-friendly and accessible.


7.Conduct usability testing: Conduct usability testing with users to identify any usability issues and gather feedback for further refinement.


8.Iterate and refine: Use the feedback gathered from users to iterate and refine the design until the product meets the user's needs and goals.


9.Develop a style guide and design system: Develop a style guide and design system to ensure consistency and coherence throughout the product.


10.Launch and monitor: Launch the product and monitor its performance to identify any issues and opportunities for improvement. Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to improve the product.


Web Application
Project Artifacts

Let's work together

I'm a professional product designer. I help companies design intuitive digital products and online experiences that their customers love.

I’m currently not taking any freelance work